A Decree for Purifying the People of Earth

In this great time of shifting from duality into unity, we all have the opportunity to utilize our free will voices in decrees for Divine Intervention. Living in a Free Will society/galaxy means that asking and calling for help is required for the Company of Heaven to respond. So if you would like more help from Mother/Father/God and the realms of LightLove, then use your beautiful voice in decrees!

This wonderful decree was given by Saint Germain through the messenger Usa of the Radiant Rose Academy on August 28th.  If you desire to receive the entire message, the full video can be found below the decree. ∞

Thank you for adding your voice to this decree provide greater momentum for the Company of Heaven to assist us in uplifting Gaia/Mother Earth and all of her kingdoms of Life!

Saint Germin by Marius Michael-George https://www.MariusFineArt.com

Decree from Saint Germain Aug 28 2020

My Beloved Great God Presence of my Life on Earth,

Mighty I AM of the people of Earth,

Master Saint Germain, Beloved AA Michael and Mighty Lord Astria, and your uncountable legions of Angels of the Sacred Fire,

Come (3x) into the lower atmosphere of Earth Now, and fill and flood our atmosphere with your violet purifying and consuming flames, and your mighty cosmic blue flames of eternal purity and power now!

Charge (3x) the powers of Nature with your Sacred Fire Love and Purity

Blaze (3x) your violet and Cosmic Blue Flames through the minds, the bodies and feelings of the people of Earth, and purify them of all discord that may be acting in their lives

And for our nation and all nations of the world, Come and create a dome of your Sacred Fire Love and Purity over all towns, villages and cities, and maintain the full intensity of your sacred fire to cause sacred fire purification, illumination, peace, harmony, love and Divine Will to be the only acting Presence and qualities in the lives of the people.

Come (3x) great Masters of the Sacred Fire and surround and purify and protect the powers of Nature and all lands of agriculture in order to grow clean food with your Sacred Fire Purity.

I/we thank you, Great Masters of the Sacred Fire!

Almighty I AM (3x),  So Be It! Amen.  ♥


Radiant Rose Academy – Ascended Masters Broadcasts: Vol 35. Master Germain. August 28, 2020

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