The Great Invocation with Unity Consciousness Transcription: From the point of Light within the Divine Mind of God Let Light Stream Forth Into the minds of all of Humankind. From the point of Love within the Sacred Heart of God Let Love stream forth into the Hearts of All of Life From the ... click here to enjoy the remainder of the article

Prayer for Healing & Redemption

Prayer for Healing & Redemption ∞♥∞♥∞♥∞ Dear Mother/Father/God/Creator All That Is, I Am All that I Am and through my Divinity I ask that you Pour (3x) your great Cosmic Light, Love & Sacred Fire of Purification, Truth, Peace, Forgiveness & Redemption into the hearts and minds of ... click here to enjoy the remainder of the article

Decree for the Restoration of Holy Innocence in All of Life!

In these great and challenging times of releasing the old paradigm of fear and embracing the polarity of Love and Light which complement one another and uplift all of Life, a cry for the restoration of the Holy Innocence is ringing out. Being pure of heart and embodying ... click here to enjoy the remainder of the article

Spiritual Protocol – Setting Your Field

The Tube of Light is a protocol that is suggested to be done morning, night & during the day as you feel is required to keep your field clear and in balance. Here is an example of calling forth your Tube of Light: Beloved I Am that I ... click here to enjoy the remainder of the article

Divine Intervention Invocation from AA Michael 2-18-2022

Greetings and Blessings to All!  Last night I was guided to AA Michael’s offering through the Radiant Rose Academy ( In this message Michael provides us with a powerful new invocation and the request that we step up and speak this invocation for ourselves and all of Life ... click here to enjoy the remainder of the article

Calling in the Directions & Invoking the Realms of Magic

What is Divine Alchemy and what parts of Creation are part of this powerful process?  There are many realms that are an intricate part of bringing Design of Light into the Love in form. The Elements, Elementals and those who serve Life from the various directions are part ... click here to enjoy the remainder of the article

Freeing the Powers of Nature & Restoring Divine Weather Decree

Would you like to assist in bringing balance and harmony back into the weather and climate patterns of Gaia? This decree is a wonderful way to do your part easily and powerfully. Free, Free, Free the Powers of Nature and the Forces of the Elements, Almighty I AM, Great Infinite I AM! Join in the ever growing voice of Service to Life through this decree and others on The Nature Whisperer Spiritual Advocacy website. Thank you! ... click here to enjoy the remainder of the article